Monday, September 14, 2009

Book idea: how to get rich with any profession

Thinking that working in any field offers lots of opportunities for financial success.  Artists for example often are early residents in neighborhoods going up in value.  If they buy some of the places they live in they can capitalize on this.  Same thing goes for non profit social welfare workers if they invest in the positive results they are working towards.  Not sure if this would work all the time, but should be enough for a book at least.

1 comment:

Düsseldorf Doug said...

This is an interesting thing. An artist friend of mine pointed it out to me. Artist are generally poor, so they seek out cheap housing spaces with access to studios etc. They tend to attract other artist to the same area (word of mouth, parties, etc.) Eventually this turns in to a bohemian haven and the chic become attracted to the location. This leads to more hip people with more income moving into the area, businesses that cater to this crowd etc. Oddly enough, eventually rent goes up, property becomes more valuable and the artist can't afford to stay any more... Funny cycle. But a good point, if you want to invest in good urban real estate, look for where the artist are moving to.